The Measured Experiment

Watch this space! This is just the first of a series of posts related to one of my new projects for 2019: The Measured Experiment (#measuredexperiment). Being a scientist I know the value of measuring stuff; an experiment is only as good as what you can measure and what you can compare it to. As a Pilates teacher I have noticed that I actually do very little of that in my own exercises so it’s easy to forget how far I have come in my movement journey. That is why I have decided to intentionally record to my practise and note any hurdles, progress and just interesting stuff I have learnt along the way, which I’ll share with you on my social media.

Even better than this, two lucky winners will get the opportunity to experience their own measured experiment (covering 20 sessions on the house, initial baseline and progress tracking), which will be tailor-made for your unique body, level of fitness and specific goals. If you’re curious about this experiment send me an email on this website (see the “Connect” page) or direct message me on FB or Instagram in the comments and I’ll keep you updated through the process to ensure you don’t miss any of the details.

Here’s some more information on my personal Measured Experiment, my goals and focus areas:

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